PropMaster - staff writer
The boys at Swarmy Shirts have come up with a new t-shirt for RPF members. It is emblazoned with the words "It's not a toy... its a prop replica". Well, I have heard some other folks lately saying "Its not a prop... its an idol!" So, I pulled out my trusty King James Bible and started "searching the scriptures to see if these things are so" and besides the obvious references to prop collecting such as "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me" and "Thou shalt not covet" I think I've found another passage that seems relevant. Isaiah 8:19 mentions "wizards that peep, and that mutter". Peep and mutter? You mean like "peep peep mutter mutter"? For the first time I realized that R2-D2 (Star Wars) peeps and mutters. So does a tricorder. In fact, so does a cash register and my cell phone! Now, taking this one step further we see that the word "god" spelled backwards is "dog" and, by the same token, prop spelled backwards is porp. Ok, maybe that isn't such a good point. And, maybe its not an idol or a toy. Maybe, it really is just a prop replica after all.