By PropMaster - staff writer
Braga now claims he is sorry he didn't listen more to Trek fans. Berman is still giving us all the galactic finger. But, neither Berman or Braga believe they will have anything to do with another Star Trek TV show. Excuse me while I wipe a tear of joy from my face.
Berman told "Star Trek Magazine" (via "Sci Fi Pulse") that when Paramount decides to revive TV Trek "it will be the result of someone fresh." In an interview with "Sci Fi Wire" Braga also announced that his relationship with Trek is over.
To be fair, "First Contact" was a good movie with a good sound track, and the last few seasons of TNG were first rate. But, with "Voyager", "Insurrection", "Nemesis", and "Enterprise" it was all down hill.
Sci Fi Wire
Sci Fi Pulse